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​Dribbling Cats
​Dribbling Cats

​Dribbling Cats

29th Aug 2023

Ever caught your kitty dribbling? There are several reasons why your furry friend might be doing this. In this newsletter we will go over the good reasons your cat can dribble, and the not so good. …

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​The Fussy Eater
​The Fussy Eater

​The Fussy Eater

29th Aug 2023

“My cat is such a fussy eater”, ring any bells? It is common knowledge to people that cats can be extremely difficult to please when it comes to feeding. What is the cause of this? Is there really s …

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​Hyperthyroidism in Cats
​Hyperthyroidism in Cats

​Hyperthyroidism in Cats

29th Aug 2023

A common concern in cat owners is known as Hyperthyroidism. It begins to become apparent with voracious cats who don’t seem to gain weight, instead they lose it. In this newsletter, we will explain …

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 What the Poop?
 What the Poop?

What the Poop?

29th Aug 2023

For some people, poop (or however you prefer to call it), is an uncomfortable topic. Nevertheless, it is definitely a very important one that is necessary in determining how healthy both humans and …

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​Nail Caps
​Nail Caps

​Nail Caps

29th Aug 2023

Cats are predators. They are born with retractable claws for both hunting and protection purposes. Cat owners should remember this when considering putting nail caps on their cat’s claws. We are goi …

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​Winter Comforts
​Winter Comforts

​Winter Comforts

29th Aug 2023

Winter is here!!! With that, comes a lot of dark nights and festivities, surrounded by yummy foods that we wait for all year long! The delicious foods and comfort eating help us maintain our energy …

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Dog Food for Cats
Dog Food for Cats

Dog Food for Cats

29th Aug 2023

If you own both dogs & cats, you might catch one dipping into the other’s bowls and wonder, is that ok? We are going to talk a bit about giving your cat dog food and vice versa, and whether or n …

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A Wee Problem
A Wee Problem

A Wee Problem

29th Aug 2023

Cats are generally low maintenance. We love them for that! However, this does not mean they do not require maintenance at all. Grooming and hygiene are just as important for cats as for any other li …

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Pain in Cats
Pain in Cats

Pain in Cats

29th Aug 2023

We love our pets so much and we only want the best for them. We all strive to give them the best food, lots of cuddles, and a great life. In doing this, they bring us so much joy in return. But how …

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