How much protein are you currently feeding your cat?

Use our calculator below to compare how much protein Purrform provides versus other cat foods

Rawsome Catculator

How old is your cat?

 Please note that the generic calculation is calculated by using an average
      of 150kcal per 100g of Purrform food.

Please refer to the RDA to find out how much to feed by product.

These are guidelines only and may need to be adjusted accordingly.

If you need further information please contact us on

Super Fine Minced

Super Fine Minced

For baby kittens
from 4-8 weeks old.

Finely Minced

Finely Minced

For kittens above 8 weeks
to 9 months old.

Coarsely Minced

Coarsely Minced

For adult cats above the
age of 9 months old.