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​What is Taurine and why do Cats Need it?
​What is Taurine and why do Cats Need it?

​What is Taurine and why do Cats Need it?

29th Aug 2023

Taurine is an essential amino acid, one of the building blocks of protein. Cats bodies do not internally produce much taurine, but without it, they cannot survive for long. Therefore, cats are relia …

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​Taurine in Cat's Diet
​Taurine in Cat's Diet

​Taurine in Cat's Diet

29th Aug 2023

One of the first reports in the literature regarding taurine was its isolation from ox bile in 1827; hence its name was derived from “Taurus” the bull. That’s why, among other reasons, today it is f …

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Keeping your Cat Safe & Healthy this Winter
Keeping your Cat Safe & Healthy this Winter

Keeping your Cat Safe & Healthy this Winter

29th Aug 2023

As you are all aware it is coming up to Christmas and as you know the weather can change rapidly. It Is highly important that your cat is kept safe and warm this winter.Keeping your cat warmMake sur …

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 Pouch or Pudge?
 Pouch or Pudge?

Pouch or Pudge?

29th Aug 2023

We are always concerned whether or not, our pets are a healthy weight. Are they consuming the right foods, fit and in good shape?Cats, the lovely creatures that they are, come in all sorts of shapes a …

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Travelling Kitty
Travelling Kitty

Travelling Kitty

29th Aug 2023

Winter is coming! Many of us would like to escape the dreaded cold and dark nights to warmer weather.However, nowadays, travelling can be more stressful than ever before. There is covid testing, passe …

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